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Online Survey on Teton Big Horn Sheep and Winter Backcountry Recreation is Now Available

***The Survey is now Closed***

The online survey is now posted at for backcountry skiers, riders, and winter climbers to share their perspectives on Teton Bighorn Sheep conservation and backcountry winter recreation. It asks about options for managing sheep habitat, the extent and need for specific closure areas, future bighorn sheep research, and the willingness of backcountry travelers to participate in citizen programs for bighorn sheep conservation. The survey was developed and is administered by Teton Backcountry Alliance, Teton Climbers Coalition, Winter Wildlands Alliance, Access Fund, and The American Alpine Club, and is independent of government agencies. The goal is to collect information from backcountry users that will help determine future management actions on bighorn sheep, including possible closures, through a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review process. Info from GTNP on the EA and scoping process can be found here. The information gathered from the survey will be part of the formal public input process for the Environmental Assessment (EA), which was just initiated. The results of the on-line survey will be analyzed and summarized independently by the five sponsoring outdoor organizations and shared with the public and with land management agencies. The names of survey participants will remain anonymous. TIME IS LIMITED, SO PLEASE TAKE THE SURVEY ASAP TO HELP TO DEFINE THE RIGHT BALANCE IN CONSERVING BIGHORN SHEEP AND SUPPORTING WINTER BACKCOUNTRY RECREATION.

If you have questions about the survey, write

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