Teton Pass has long been a popular backcountry ski destination, but has recently begun to attract large numbers of national and international visitors.
It is estimated that skiers and snowboarders currently take about 150,000 runs on Teton Pass each winter season. Given the growing interest in backcountry skiing and riding, we anticipate that winter use of Teton Pass will continue to increase in the future.
Several key issues have emerged as a result of increased recreational use. These include:
skier and snowboarder triggered avalanches
parking congestion and road foot traffic;
the management of dogs and dog poop.

BCA Radio Channels used in the Teton Area
Common BCA radio channels have been established in many regions of the US in order to facilitate inter-group communications. These channels are intended for sharing critical information between groups, not for chatter:
Channel 2.2 of your BCA radio is now being used for inter-group communication in the Tetons.
Channel 2.1 is being used for communication between our Teton Pass Ambassadors. No guaranteed response, but backcountry users are welcome to tune in to this channel should they wish to share information.
Channel 9.11 may be used for communication with TCSAR during a rescue.

Hybrid Skiing Snowmobile Guidelines
Hybrid skiers have been exploring untracked snow and new places to ski for decades. We offer the following guidelines to help re-establish a backcountry ethic for hybrid skiing to preserve our winter wild places for all to enjoy…
Drive and park snowmobiles along unplowed roads and as far as road’s end or remote unplowed trailheads. Climb the mountain under your own power. Avoid riding your snowmobiles up skin tracks, snowbound summer trails, or onto ski terrain.
Recognize and mitigate your impact on moose, elk, deer, wild cats, grouse, hare, and mustelids by making every effort of avoidance.
Obtain necessary licenses, permits, and National Forest winter travel maps.
If you encounter skiers traveling under their own power, you likely have selected an area that is traditionally accessed under human power. Stop and communicate. Ask the hikers where they are going and assure them that you will make every effort to protect their backcountry experience. In the future, explore somewhere else where human-powered skiers are less likely.
Preserve our dwindling wilderness by parking your snowmobiles outside the boundaries of designated Wilderness Areas and Wilderness Study Areas. Snowmobile trespass into designated Wilderness is a federal offense.
Upgrade to four strokes or electric snowmobiles to reduce noise and exhaust impacts.
On popular trails, slow or stop while pedestrians pass or are overcome. Tow skiers and attach your ski equipment to your sleds in a way that does not jeopardize pedestrian safety. Avoid driving snowmobiles on groomed nordic tracks.
I promise to...
Practice humility and respect…
Have fun, but not at the risk of harming other people, wildlife or the land.
Think about the consequences…
Stay out of ski terrain that could impact the highway if there is any chance of triggering a slide.
Be a responsible dog owner…
Leash my dog around parking areas, along the road and always scoop the poop.
Carpool and be patient…
Park tight and wait my turn for a parking space without blocking traffic.
Spread the word…
Thank the WYODOT crew, encourage others to do the right thing and say something to those being unsafe or irresponsible.

Completed Initiatives
AED Defibrillator (2020): TBCA installed a small hut containing an AED defibrillator on Teton Pass for use in the case of an accident.
Free Shuttles/Pass Bash events (2020): In order to test the interest and demand for a Teton Pass shuttle service, TBCA organized “Winter Pass Bashes” that provided free transportation from Wilson to the summit of the Pass.
Online survey (2019): In 2019, TBCA administered an online survey to document winter recreationists’ concerns and possible solutions to current issues on Teton Pass. The survey drew 1020 participants. For full details, click here.
Public meetings (2018-19): TBCA held public meetings in Wilson and Victor to raise awareness about Teton Pass issues. Meetings were well attended and generated constructive discussion.
2018-19 season:
11, 709 people entered the Teton Pass backcountry from
November 21, 2018 to January 13, 2019
Highest single day of use, December 12, 2018 tallied 611 people
Ongoing Initiatives
Teton Pass FLAP Grant (Ongoing): TBCA cooperated in a multi-agency effort to submit a $5.2m grant to the Federal Lands Access Program for improvements to safety and access on Teton Pass. If funded, the project will include:
construction of an official USFS trailhead at the top of the Pass
construction of a hitchhiking/chain-up pullout below Trail Creek Road
addition of pedestrian caution signs at the summit of the Pass
construction of a pedestrian underpass at Coal Creek
purchase of vans for a Teton Pass shuttle system
support of a comprehensive Teton Pass Corridor Plan that will explore issues of carrying capacity and additional infrastructure projects to improve access and safety (update March 2021: FLAP awarded Teton County, Wyoming, with $300,000 t0 initiate the corridor planning process).
Volunteer Pass Ambassador Program (Ongoing): In 2020, TBCA launched the Volunteer Pass Ambassador program to complement the work of longstanding ambassador, Jay Pistono. Volunteer Ambassadors greet visitors, share information, spread enthusiasm, and help manage trailhead parking.
Teton Pass film (Ongoing): TBCA is collaborating with Stio to produce a film featuring Teton Pass Ambassador Jay Pistono which will depict responsible recreation on Teton Pass.
Collaboration with agencies (Ongoing): TBCA meets regularly with management agencies, such as the Wyoming Department of Transportation and the Bridger-Teton National Forest, to help with signage and to ensure users’ concerns and needs are addressed during agency decision making.
Flyers, social media, and website (Ongoing): TBCA has collaborated with the Bridger-Teton National Forest and partner organizations to create flyers, social media posts, and web material to educate Teton Pass skiers and snowboarders about responsible and safe recreation on Teton Pass.
February 17, 2020 TBCA letter to WYDOT
2019 Teton Pass Backcountry Recreation Survey
Survey Supplement 1: Solutions - Responses to open questions
Survey Supplement 2: Cross-tabulated select questions
2017 Technology Assessment for Highway Avalanche Hazard Management
2011 Teton Pass Snowshed Cost Estimate
Teton Pass Historical Articles
Jackson Hole News (Jackson, Wyoming) · Wed, Nov 24, 1971
The Jackson Hole Guide (Jackson, Wyoming) · Wed, Jan 25, 1989
The Jackson Hole Guide (Jackson, Wyoming) · Wed, Sep 27, 1989
The Jackson Hole Guide (Jackson, Wyoming) · Wed, Oct 25, 1989
The Jackson Hole Guide (Jackson, Wyoming) · Wed, Nov 8, 1989